
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hair Inspiration

These are just some pictures of celebrity's' hair colors that I LOVE! I am currently resisting coloring my hair because I am trying to get the color to fade just a little bit. The color is just so dark compared to my natural color that the maintenance is driving me crazy because of my light roots. I'm hoping the color will fade enough that I will be able to go into the salon and get my hair to ideally match the picture of Natalie Portman above. That would be my ideal hair color for my wedding.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Skincare Haul!

 This eye cream is a newer addition to the Origins line and is geared toward the anti-aging branch of skincare. This eye cream is effective in providing moisture to the delicate eye area while also smoothing out any fine lines that are visible.
A perfect World serum is designed with Silver Tip White Tea to provide extraordinary antioxidants to protect the skin against harmful free-radicals that we are exposed to each day.  This product is meant to work as your skin's own personal little shield, guarding it from everything negative that it will encounter in our environment. This product provides an immediate smoothing effect that is very similar to that of a primer.

 This amazing little bottle is full of something I find to be one of the coolest hybrids between skincare and makeup ever invented! This is indeed a skincare product with all the usual benefits of a good moisturizer but with the technology to provide your skin with a bit of coverage. It is not as simple as calling this a tinted moisturizer, however, because it doesn't sit on your skin like one. There are these little micro-particles in the formula that change to match your skin's exact tone. I am very excited to use this product in light of my no-makeup challenge.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Maybelline One by One Volume Express Mascara Review


Review = 4/5 <3's

I really am adoring this mascara right now! I have been using it for a little over a week and I have been really impressed by the effect it gives my lashes and its lasting power!
The pics taken above were taken at the end of my day so you can see how my lashes stayed curled and how the mascara lasted throughout the day. As you can see there is very little smudging and flaking going on which I LOVE.
The mascara completely volumizes my lashes but does so WITHOUT CLUMPING! YAY! I hate hate hate clumping in my mascara and it is so hard to find a volumizing mascara that doesn't clump!
The mascara is also very black and defines my eyes beautifully!
The one point I took off was simply for the fact that the ingredients in this mascara do nothing good for your lashes since there are no nourishing or hydrating ingredients included in the mascara. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

No Makeup Challenge (Day 2)

I made a video talking about my experience with wearing no face makeup today! Enjoy :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

No Makeup Challenge (Day 1)

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Ever heard of this one ladies?

You might have. I have noticed a lot of talk lately on women going fresh-faced. It's been popping up in magazines lately, celebrities going makeup-less and untouched for photographs, showing their "real" selves. I find them beautiful in all of these photos and I actually find myself more inspired by their natural appearances. I don't think I'm the only one, since this topic has been getting more and more popularity lately.

Just google "no makeup beauty" or "how to rock no makeup" and you will find several forums about girls dedicating themselves to the No Makeup Challenge. This challenge is not at all about bashing makeup or those who wear it. I LOVE makeup! I OBSESS over it! And that is actually why I want to challenge my self to love and obsess about, well, ME. The pure, natural me. I do things like this in my life when I want to change something I don't like about myself. For example: in high school I was DEATHLY afraid of public speaking, I mean throw up, shaky, sweaty afraid! So what did I do? I joined drama class and starred in two school plays. I took the plunge and scared myself right out of my fear. That's what I am doing with makeup.

I noticed myself lately becoming quite ritualistic and obsessed with my daily makeup application. I think I have really been this way for a while but I never really thought much about it until now. I just did NOT feel pretty without evening out my skin tone with some foundation, applying blush, then eyeliner, and mascara. It wasn't until yesterday, when I was with one of my best friends who NEVER wears ANY makeup that I realized I felt...fake. I watched my friend interacting with everyone I was, with just as much confidence if not more, and I realized I desperately wanted to have that ability to be confident with nothing more than my own skin.

And so I went home, washed off my "face," and went to sleep with the determination to make a change starting today. I am very proud to share with you all how my first day on the No Makeup Challenge went.

I woke up and applied my Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer with SPF, which does wonders for evening out the complexion and preventing oiliness throughout the day, and that was it for my face! I did apply some eyeliner and mascara but those things aren't what were really bothering me about makeup. I am most concerned with weaning off the foundation/blush/primer/bronzer/etc. When I get comfortable enough without having those things on then maybe we will take off the eye makeup. Hehe.

So Day 1 went great. My fiance had to guess at least 5 times when I asked him what was different about my makeup before he realized I wasn't wearing any! And when I asked my brother he couldn't even tell! These things made me feel so much better about how I looked. And it felt so great to let my skin "breathe." I never knew what people meant when they said that but I truly did feel a difference in my skin after just one day of going makeup-less.

When I washed my face tonight I felt like my cleanser really got a chance to do its job because it didn't have a layer of foundation to get through first! It may just be in my head but I feel like my skin looks smoother already.

I am excited about this challenge and I hope some of the rest of you will feel inspired to give it a try.

Here are some pics of celebs looking gorgeous without makeup. Just a little inspiration for you all.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mystic Tan

Want to be bronzed and beautiful without speeding up the effects of aging? Check out Mystic Tan! I have become obsessed! Below is a video review of my experience with it.